Monday, April 21, 2008

B's Birthday

B's birthday is coming up in less than a week and I have been absolutely lost on what to get him. He's quite well-paid for what he does, so whatever he wants he usually buys for himself before I can even think to get it. Thus my dilemma—what to get the boy that has (or can get) everything he wants?

I was quite hard pressed to find an answer, and then as if the angel Gabriel himself came to me, I had a brilliant epiphany. Thanks to last weekend's experimentation, I helped B discover his interest in kink. I then thought to myself: why not nurture his newfound interest in topping and see where it goes, as it can mutually beneficial.

Then I found her, the beautiful and incredibly talented WhypDancer of She has the most beautiful, meticulously detailed canes I have ever seen—they certainly are gorgeous little harbingers of pain. All are handcrafted to give them that personal touch. I encourage anyone who loves canes and the thrill of beating their loved ones to take a look at her work. You will not be disappointed.

As you have probably guessed by now, in the end I decided to get B his very first cane for his birthday. I know for a fact that he would never think to buy something like that, which is why it is the perfect gift for a budding domme. I got him a great beginner cane, which just arrived in the post today; straight, plain, 30" long and 1/4" thick. It's the perfect size for him to practice welting my naked bottom with.

I gave myself a few good smacks on the thigh just to test it's zestiness, and oh my! What a sting and what a beautiful striped pattern! I'm sure going to have a spectacularily sore ass after he's done with me.
I can't wait to witness his expression when I present it to him on Saturday.

Yours Always,
-Miss C

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